“Tehniskās izglītības un jaunrades skola”, organizē un vada nodarbības, kas ir publicētas на сайте www.inovacijuskola.lv mājas lapā un ir reģistrēta Latvijas Republikas Izglītības kvalitātes dienestā kā interešu izglītības iestāde.
Parents of children or other family members may also recover part of the overpaid personal income tax from the amount paid during the year for education of the interests of children (up to 18 years of age) by submitting an annual income declaration. Reimbursement of the tax shall be due for those groups and classes offered by a licensed educational institution, as well as for those groups offered by another legal or natural person who is not registered in the Register of Educational institutions and who has a special licence issued by the local government for the activities of the group.
We inform that when submitting documents, it is mandatory for the document certifying payment to indicate that payment has been made for the particular child (given name, surname, personal identity number) and also indicate the type of service received (group/class name). Therefore, if you want a tax refund, please note in advance that you will submit it to the SRS when filling out the application form for the particular group/classes. Then we can get the bills right.
The annual income statement, together with the supporting documents, must be submitted to the parent or family Member who is a payer of personal income tax and whose personal data are indicated in the payment certificate when settling the interest education.
Additional information
All documents can be saved quickly and easily in a dedicated free mobile application 'eligible editions'. It may gradually accumulate photographs and descriptions of cheques, receipts and other payment documents throughout the year. These documents will already be automatically available to the SRS in March next year, completing the annual income statement. in system (EDS) un tos varēs ērti pievienot deklarācijai.
The free mobile app is available for installation on smartphones – Google Play and App Store More information on adding and sending payment documents can be found on the SRS website.
Information on whether the organiser of the particular group or classes is an educational institution is available in the Register of Educational institutions https://viis.gov.lv .