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Frequently asked questions

TechWizard in the Minecraft world


Classes take place weekly at a constant time agreed with you.

Each in-person and online lesson is 60 minutes long, except for face-to-face classes 1 - 40 minutes long.

When you sign up for lessons, you have the opportunity to mark the most comfortable time for classes. If we see that your child will have more valuable activity in another group, we will offer you a change in time.

Based on our experience so far, we have concluded that taking breaks reduces the quality of the lesson.

Of course! We divide the participants into groups by age and experience in the Minecraft game.

Online 98% of participants act independently, without parental involvement. Depending on your child's skills, you may need help during the first lesson. There's always a faculty in person who solves issues.

These are tasks assigned by the teacher, which the participant performs individually, outside of class time.

We encourage technominders to operate on a unique “International School of Innovation” Minecraft server that is being moderated 24/7. It is an opportunity for participants to learn how to use this platform more effectively on their own.

There are several alternatives how to participant can track the progress of a program if a lesson is delayed.'accomplishing home missions on the out-of-class Minecraft server we created are key to them. Lessons cannot be recovered.

Email to indicating that you want to stop the child from participating in classes. Be sure to write too child's given name, surname nterruptions date.


On-line The monthly fee for a weekly lesson is EUR 42. The online annual subscription fee is EUR 216.

Schools – the monthly cost of an on-site weekly class for 1-th Grade is EUR 42. For Grades 2-3, on the other hand, EUR 47.

Daugava Stadium – the monthly fee for an ion-site weekly lesson is EUR 47.

When you apply for classes, you will be billed as follows:

online – at the beginning of each month, you will receive an advance invoice for the current month in your specified e-mail.
on-site – at the end of each month, you will receive an invoice in your e-mail for the actual lessons that have taken place.

Tiek nosūtīts atgādinājums par maksājuma veikšanu. Ja maksājums netiek veikts 20 kalendāro dienu laikā pēc maksājuma termiņa iestāšanās, līgums tiek lauzts un bērns nodarbībās nevar piedalīties.

It's a monthly class subscription fee that stays the same every month, regardless of attendance. A team of enthusiastic educators bills all participants as part of their preparation for classes and contributes time and work accordingly.

Technical support

In this case, you should contact us via WhatsApp, email or telephone! We will rush to help you solve them!

No, we offer to solve technical problems by writing to the WhatsApp phone +371 29 362 559 or email

An individual license is granted to each participant only for the duration of the lesson. If you decide to stop taking part in the lesson, the license will no longer be active.

Technocraftsman/little technocraftsman classes


1. At the beginning of the lesson, children are introduced to the lesson assignment.

2. The LEGO mechanism is being built using a visual instruction on the tablet.

3. The built mechanism is programmed, tested and improved.

4. At the end of the lesson, the built mechanism is dismantled and the details sorted out.

According to the program, about 20% of classes will use other equipment, (3D pens, Dash robots, drones, etc.), so the course will vary.

One lesson takes between 35 and 45 minutes, depending on the location of the classes, the size of the group and the complexity of the class topic.

Classes are held weekly, at each class venue at a specific and constant time.

Yes! In order to ensure a diverse content of the group, physical experiments are carried out a few times a season for children's age. Of course, we provide all the equipment needed for experiments.

Yes, every child in classes is provided with all the necessary equipment:
GO Education WeDo 2.0 kits, one tablet on two children (using a shared tablet helps develop collaboration skills), 3D pens, Dash robots, etc. equipment, according to the program.

– Disinfection of the hands of all members of the lessons before and after the lesson;

– Disinfection of surfaces, equipment;

- The teacher with any symptoms of respiratory illness is categorically prohibited from going to classes.

You let the educator know first. If this is not possible, please email info @inovacijuskola.

Absence in lessons

Sickness, official events organised by the educational institution – Christmas, Easter, Mother's day, etc. Sure, state-mandated holidays.

Travel, family holidays, etc. are not considered as a valid cause of absence.


Recalculation occurs only if more than 50% of monthly classes are delayed due to illness (2 and more). Subject to the condition that the doctor's sign is sent in copy to our email address by the first date of next month. If only one lesson is delayed due to illness, no recalculation is performed.

Official events organised by the educational institution/national holidays

We primarily look for opportunities on the ground in an educational institution to recreate classes that fall during events or public holidays. If it is not possible to realize lessons, the invoice is reduced according to the number of lessons that have not taken place.

A copy of the medicaldocument must be sent to the email specified in the contract by the first date of the following month.

No recalculation is performed.


A physically signed copy of the contract is not required because when you fill in the registration link for lessons, you will familiarise yourself and agree to the terms of the contract.

If a parent requires signed contract, it can be signed electronically or printed and delivered to the group. According to the laws and regulations, if the first payment is made, this means that the parties have agreed on the terms of the contract and the physical signature of the contract is not mandatory.

The contract is signed for the season. The season begins in September and ends May 31.

By writing an e-mail before the next invoice is drawn up to the e-mail specified in the contract.


The monthly fee includes 4 on-site lessons at kindergarten or Daugava Stadium.

– at the end of each month, you will receive an invoice in your e-mail for the actual lessons that have taken place.

By the end of the current month.

The bill has a due date of 7 calendar days.

A reminder of payment is sent. If payment is not made within 20 calendar days of the payment deadline, the contract may be terminated and we have the right not to take the child for lessons.

Had a trouble finding yourquestion?

Write an email or visit our contact page to send us a message!

For emails

For calls

+371 28 779 480

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